Lighthouse and FAIR
Lighthouse is designed to assist those seniors who have functional needs in their homes, but whose income or assets disqualify them for Medicaid services. The Lighthouse Program, available in each county, is funded entirely by state monies and provides support in four areas: personal care, mobility, nutrition, and housekeeping.
Based on the requirements of the program the following assistance can be provided:
♦Personal Care - Grooming, Bathing, Dressing, and Toileting
PERSONAL CARE is a REQUIREMENT of the program each visit no exceptions.
♦Mobility - Transferring In/Out of Bed and Walking
♦Nutrition - Meal Preparation, Eating, and Grocery/Pharmacy Shopping
♦Environment - Light Housecleaning (based on RN Assessment), Making/Changing Bed, and Laundry
An RN will do a home visit to verify that the senior is qualified and to develop an individualized plan of care for your loved one. A required SAEF must be completed. This program is a cost share program based on income with payment due monthly. Call 304-233-2350 ext. 110 for more info.
FAIR (Family Alzheimer's In-Home Respite)
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia can be very stressful, and caregivers need a regular break from the demands of the job. The FAIR Program, available in every county of West Virginia, offers relief to family caregivers and, at the same time, provides one-on-one attention and individualized activities for persons with a written diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.
The person receiving care must have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia. There must also be an unpaid caregiver present. For example, a daughter who is taking care of her mother.
An RN will do an in home assessment and the required SAEF form will be completed. This program is an assistance to the caregiver but a long term plan must be established to provide the best care for the client. This is a cost share program based on income with a monthly invoice. We do not accept insurance payments. For more information, call 304-233-2350 ext. 110.
Older Americans Act Programs/Life
Individuals age 60 and older may be eligible for a variety of in-home services through the Older Americans Act. These services are offered through county aging providers (senior centers). As they may vary by county, please contact the providers for further information.
Programs can be combined to provide a greater assistance to the senior as long as guidelines are followed. Please call 304-233-2350 ext. 110 for more information.
Family Service-Upper Ohio Valley does not employ family members to assist with the care of loved ones.